Our working culture

Since 1999 we have been operating nationally and internationally, creating value for the benefit of customers and our people. We value and share the skills and experience gained in a spirit of service and responsibility. The desire to never fossilize on old schemes has led us to face the challenges together with our customers and face the future with confidence.
Our Studio’s values guide us and are important codes of conduct that we apply to our daily work.
We truly believe in values from ethical conduct and we support the concept of trust, fundamental for creating value for the clients we work with. We believe these qualities are indispensable for building a wide-ranging project; by sharing the experience, time and talent of our professionals. Quality offered to clients daily and shared amongst ourselves to allow our people to excel.


for people and roles


for your actions


for our work


and sharing skills

What we do

Every entrepreneur has to deal with a need to find and structure complete economic-financial information enabling it to plan work better. In increasingly more competitive, complex and dynamic reference markets, availing oneself of professionals and tools to support daily business is an essential growth element, even internationally.
To complete its development plan, the firm has invested resources in creating important international relations enabling it to support clients expanding into foreign markets.
Studio Moretti, a firm of professionals, operates integrating FISCAL, CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL ADVICE by defining a global management strategy that improves Company efficiency.


Ordinary tax advice

Updating and training on the evolution of tax laws

Tax advice for extraordinary operations

Tax planning

Assistance with relations with the financial administration

International Tax advice


Performing accounting obligations and drafting financial statements

Business plan

Annual and relative monthly budgets

Reporting and budgeting

Assessing a company

S.W.O.T. analysis and corporate reorganisation


Temporary Management activities as Head of Management Control and Director of Administration and Finance

Short, medium and long-term financial planning

Assessment criteria employed for access to credit

Analysis of incidence of financial expenses and related monitoring

Support in the search for new sources of finance for specific new projects